Age: 18
Occupation: Courtesan
Registered: Dec 2021
09-22-2024, 09:58 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-22-2024, 09:59 AM by Ruth Longbottom.)
The horror showed in her face when he listed the injuries he had received. She was ready to stab the guards then and there. Not that she really would. Those low lives weren't worth the noose. But she wanted to make them suffer. She didn't know how far Magnus's money and influence reached, but she would certainly investigate whether she could have them sacked. She already regretted having bribed them for this room. They deserved to be horsewhipped, not paid.
Her nails dug deeper when he talked about their parting. "It's alright. Forget it. It's in the past," she said quickly. God, couldn't he drop it already?
"Makes more sense bein' a cobbler than a fisherman, though I'm surprised anyone'd take ye on. Anyway, the Whitby fishermen wouldn't have ye, and I wouldn't let ye go unless if ye'd throw them overboard once ye're at sea. We're at war with them lot. They beat the shit out of Noah. Police did nowt, of course. Wouldn't be surprised if they helped. So don't go buddyin' up to them when ye get out." She paused. "You are comin' back to Whitby, right?"
Prisoner #26791
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 21
Occupation: Prisoner
Height: 5ft 8
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: Jan 2023
The look of horror crossed his face before it was replaced with one of sheer anger and rage "they did what to Noah? Do we know which family did it? His knuckles went white when he clenched them. "Bastards"
He thought deeply for a moment. "We've always been at war with the fishing folk. It's them and us. Christ it was them I stole from and got me locked up in here" he laughed at her comment "yeah me too but someone is willing to give me a chance when I return to Whitby. And yeah I'm coming back to Whitby at least." He wiped his chin with the back of his hand "anything else I've missed?"
Age: 18
Occupation: Courtesan
Registered: Dec 2021
09-22-2024, 02:23 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-22-2024, 02:24 PM by Ruth Longbottom.)
She felt more relief than she cared to admit when he said he'd return to Whitby. Her fist relaxed. She didn't know why she cared. Him returning would complicate things. Especially if he went after the people who had hurt Noah, as he seemed ready to do.
"Relax, will ye. It was old Ben Ward among others. Remember wee Alice Ward, our little Miss Teacher?" A gleeful smile played around her lips. "Well, she's not so wee and perfect anymore. Noah got 'er pregnant, idiot that he is. Anyway, t' police are on their side, so don't ye go causin' trouble. They're not worth it. What else? Oh, Claude ran off. Haven't 'eard from 'im in a long time. They stuck Alex in a reformatory over some stupid stuff. I got two bairns of me own, Sam, who's just turned two and Lucy turnin' one. But ye won't see 'em unless ye promise to behave."
Prisoner #26791
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 21
Occupation: Prisoner
Height: 5ft 8
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: Jan 2023
Eugene roared with laughter "are you serious. Noah got her pregnant? My God I did not expect that. To be fair I'm surprised Ben could hurt him. He couldn't fight sleep from what I can remember. Is it still the same constables walking the beats? Elijah Crane?" He shook his head "I wont cause trouble Ruth. I want out of here and to see the back of it. 6 years and 3 months is long enough" He smiled when she mentioned her kids "2 little ones eh? Didn't expect that! Yeah ill behave you know I will"
Age: 18
Occupation: Courtesan
Registered: Dec 2021
09-22-2024, 07:36 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-22-2024, 07:41 PM by Ruth Longbottom.)
The sound of his laughter provoked a strange emotion in her. Ruth began to laugh as well. "I know," she chuckled. "Him a dad, right? He can barely wipe his own arse." Then she looked at him more seriously. "Mr. Ward's not like 'e used to be. 'E's some big guy among the fishermen nowadays and it's gone to 'is head."
There was a time Ruth had spent almost every moment she was not at school with the Wards. They had fed her better than her parents had and had tried to clothe her. Only Ruth's own pride and resentment at the insults muttered about her parents had stood in the way of accepting Rose's old dresses. Ben Ward had been an intimidating figure with his bulky frame and big beard, grave manners and thundering voice when angry. But she had been drawn to him. He had spoken to her affectionately, and put his big hand on her head when he passed her, like she was one of his own children. He had always made sure she got as much to eat as the other children when she joined them for tea. Mr. Ward would insist she would even when Mrs. Ward was concerned about having another mouth to feed. When Mr. Ward would scold her for dirty habits or bad manners, she would actually feel a little sorry. Mr. Ward had seemed to see her in a way no one else did, so that even his reprimands had felt like a warm blanket.
But all of that was a long time ago. "You'll find many things are different. Aye, Crane is there, but there's an entire police force now. They wanna clear the streets of the likes of us. And they have this organisation that wants to take kids from bad families and send them overseas. I worry they'll take James. He's turned into a right pain in the ass, but I don't want them sending him to Canada or sum't."
Prisoner #26791
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 21
Occupation: Prisoner
Height: 5ft 8
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: Jan 2023
It was good to see his sister laughing "you ain't wrong there" he listened when she spoke about Ben "im suprised he's got that high in the fishing families. Before I came here alot of families wouldn't give him the time of day" he sighed "am I even gonna recognise the place when I come back?"
He nodded "I had heard that there is a new police sargeant and a dog handler on the beat. Even talks about a new inspector. There was some lord who was trying to take kids from the craggs and put them into almost sheltered housing but I cannot remember his name. He was a right tosser!"
Age: 18
Occupation: Courtesan
Registered: Dec 2021
09-22-2024, 08:30 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-22-2024, 08:31 PM by Ruth Longbottom.)
Eugene's comment about Ben Ward surprised her. She couldn't remember a time when he was not respected. The Wards were so fucking perfect after all. All except Simon. And Alice, the fallen woman. But that was of course all Noah's fault in their eyes. Fuck the Wards.
She chuckled again. "Lord McTosser. Well, I won't care what they do about sweeping the streets. Once I get someone to look after Sam and Lucy, I ain't comin' home again and t' police can do what they want. I'm not part of that world anymore." She looked at him suspiciously. "Will you go see mum and dad when ye're out?"
Prisoner #26791
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 21
Occupation: Prisoner
Height: 5ft 8
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: Jan 2023
Eugene joked "do they even notice I'm gone?" He thought for a moment. "I want to Ruth. But I don't know how my return will be taken by our parents and the family" he sighed "part of me has felt like everyone felt I was dead & forgotten about" he thought for a moment before changing the subject. "You have to tell me more about your kids. I didn't realise you had kids aswell"
Age: 18
Occupation: Courtesan
Registered: Dec 2021
"I don't think mum would even knows who ye are, Eugene. She's gotten worse. And dad doesn't give a shit. As soon a I can find someone to look after t' bairns I won't ever go see there again, and I suggest ye do t' same." Her voice was cold, but Eugene had to hear the truth. "If they 'ear ye're makin' money, they'll come begging." Her father had cursed her out and called her names for the work she had started doing when she had returned to Whitby. But at the same time he had wanted to know what she was making, and couldn't she help out her siblings? Her parents were ignorant about her current position, and she would keep it that way if she could.
"As for t' bairns, I moved in with their da when I got pregnant with Sam. We lived in Grosmont. But he's buggered off a few months ago, so that's that. I've been better off without t' bastard, so fuck him."
Prisoner #26791
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 21
Occupation: Prisoner
Height: 5ft 8
Alias: Hutchie
Registered: Jan 2023
Eugene nodded "yeah I see what you mean. I wasn't aware mum was deteriorating as bad as she was. I honestly don't know what to do when I get out. I want a fresh start. Me and you should go someplace away from here and escape or all"
Eugene smirked "well if I get my hands on him for hurting my sister I'll break is bloody neck!" Eugene sat back in his chair. "What about the rest of the family?"