05-24-2020, 02:36 AM
Although Frederic was mightily curious as to what Miss Calloway had been about to say just then, he didn't want to pressure her into saying anything she didn't want to and so let the moment slide. The yellow house she pointed out after a few moments was painted a cheerful shade of the color and gave off a feeling of 'home', despite how Miss Calloway had mentioned her uncertainty of staying for much longer in Whitby. When she crossed her arms over her bosom, Frederic recognized the gesture from when Clover was a newborn and needed to be breastfed- Patsy would always hide her chest in embarrassment when she heard Clover crying, as if she need be ashamed her body was providing for her child. In the brief time she was alive after birthing Clover, Frederic had done his best to persuade her there was nothing to hide- she was a mother now, and it was nothing but natural what her body was doing. He felt a soft wish he could communicate that to Miss Calloway, but he knew it would be completely out of line and would likely be taken as quite rude.
He tipped his hat politely at her in farewell as she hurried into her abode and stood there for a moment more, watching the door shut behind her, before turning about to return to the marketplace, his shopping, and his son. As he walked, though, he found it difficult to put aside the picture of Miss Calloway's face from his mind, and although he found it abrupt and confusing, he also likened it to how he'd felt when he saw Patsy for the first time and his heart gave a shiver. Truly, if only these things were simpler...
He tipped his hat politely at her in farewell as she hurried into her abode and stood there for a moment more, watching the door shut behind her, before turning about to return to the marketplace, his shopping, and his son. As he walked, though, he found it difficult to put aside the picture of Miss Calloway's face from his mind, and although he found it abrupt and confusing, he also likened it to how he'd felt when he saw Patsy for the first time and his heart gave a shiver. Truly, if only these things were simpler...