03-18-2021, 03:03 PM
He stood with his back against the wall, a cheroot placed between his lips, ignored and unlit for the moment as the constable questioned the two young ones, eyeballing the reporter who seemed to be intent on his story. The fact that he even knew to be there at all, well... he moved from the wall and approached the man, "Ye will be kind to the girl and her family, won't ye? She did just hand ye a big story... at least that's my reckonin' as to why ye're here. Ye shouldn't even mention the girl was here at all. She shouldn't be here either. God, what a mess." He shook his head.
"If ye want the story, I'll give it to ye, but ye gotta leave the kids out of it. Twill be plenty of scandals as it is wit' he brother bein' what he was. Fuckin' monster."
"If ye want the story, I'll give it to ye, but ye gotta leave the kids out of it. Twill be plenty of scandals as it is wit' he brother bein' what he was. Fuckin' monster."