07-24-2021, 12:12 PM
Angus gave Vela a look of surprise when she offered him a plate. He wasn't used to eating at the same time or the same meal as the master of the house. For a moment he glances Edward's way but the man hadn't even looked up yet. Shrugging the big Scot dug in, demolishing the plate with eagerness.
"Ach! My lord lass, tha's some fine food! Dun think I've ever eaten anything sae rich."
The big man says with enough enthusiasm that Edward finally looks up blinking as he notices the picnic.
"Oh! A picnic, how lovely and ah, is this plate for me? Thank you very much Vela this looks excellent."
The man begins to absently pick at the plate still making notes with his other hand but the food was, for the moment, being eaten.
"Ach! My lord lass, tha's some fine food! Dun think I've ever eaten anything sae rich."
The big man says with enough enthusiasm that Edward finally looks up blinking as he notices the picnic.
"Oh! A picnic, how lovely and ah, is this plate for me? Thank you very much Vela this looks excellent."
The man begins to absently pick at the plate still making notes with his other hand but the food was, for the moment, being eaten.