Lost in thought, Anne only noticed the footfalls at the very last moment. The girl jumped and pressed herself against the wall to avoid collision, dropping the wicker tray and lines. It could have been worse. Those lines had hundreds of sharp hooks that would doubtlessly have maimed Anthony upon collision. It seemed that the universe was not against him all together after all.
"Sir!" Anne cried out, not without accusation in her tone. Her heart was still beating fast from being startled so. Only then, did she properly look at the man and started again. The girl blushed, as people do when they encounter people they've beaten up recently.
"Sir!" Anne cried out, not without accusation in her tone. Her heart was still beating fast from being startled so. Only then, did she properly look at the man and started again. The girl blushed, as people do when they encounter people they've beaten up recently.